Owner operated with four decades of experience


On April Fools day of 1981, Scot Nicol ​“hung up his shin­gle” on a funky lit­tle shop a few miles east of Men­do­ci­no Cal­i­for­nia. On that day, Ibis was start­ed with­out mon­ey and with­out a plan. Today we’re locat­ed in San­ta Cruz with 40 (or so) peo­ple work­ing at Ibis. Our 5 own­ers all work full time for the com­pa­ny. Hans Heim is our CEO, Tom Mor­gan is our pres­i­dent, Col­in Hugh­es leads our engi­neer­ing depart­ment, Roxy Lo is our design­er and Scot tries to stay out of the way.