At Ride Union Bike Co, the workshop is the star of the show. We have two experienced full-time mechanics and the latest specialty tooling to ensure your bike is looked after perfectly.
At Ride Union Bike Co, the workshop is the star of the show. We have two experienced full-time mechanics and the latest specialty tooling to ensure your bike is looked after perfectly.
Ride Union Bike Co. endevours to complete all of our workshop jobs on the same day. To ensure timely completion of the job, please include as much detail about your job as possible.
Components are not included in the service price.
We prefer to receieve the bike no earlier than two days before the scheduled service date and no later than 10am on the day of service. If you have a specific requirement for earlier or later drop off, please contact us to confirm an arrangment.
To ensure accurate time allocation in the workshop, only smaller jobs are able to be booked online. If you are looking to get a larger service completed please call us on 08 8131 0237 so we can book you in manually.